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In the Community

Sharing Love Through Community Projects

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’' The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31

The Bible has placed great emphasis on loving our neighbor, even putting it next to our devotion for God. This shows that as we profess to love God, we must also have a heart that cares for the people around us, especially those in need.

Jesus, Himself, showed love in the way He carried out His ministry – caring for the poor and needy, comforting those who mourn, healing the sick, and ultimately, sacrificing His life on the cross to save the lost, which is His greatest act of love.

As believers and followers of the Lord, we are called to have the same kind of selfless love for others. By virtue of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we are redeemed from our sins and given a new holy nature that gives us the power to live a life that bears an impact on the lives of others. Through the grace of God, we are enabled to love as He does and extend that love to the people around us.

Nothing pleases God more than seeing His people fulfilling His command of loving one another. It is like a pleasing aroma to Him. God’s very nature demonstrates love and as His children, we are called to reflect that love.

When that kind of divine love permeates our communities, we will be able to see stronger families, stronger communities, and stronger churches. Therefore, it is our duty as children of God, to radiate this kind of love to the people within our circles.

We can make this love tangible to others by reaching out to them and showing concern for their needs. Community projects are a good way to Reach Beyond and extend love to those around us. Starting a donation drive, volunteering at community centers, and offering free meals to families are just a few of the activities that we can do to help improve and enrich the lives of those who are in need.

These may seem like little things but they will mean a lot more if done out of a genuine desire to help.

We believe it is our assignment in the Kingdom to be doers of the Word and part of that assignment is to love as the Lord has commanded. Love should not only be heard in words but should be seen in deeds – love in action.


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